Cypromed AS
Informasjon om Cypromed AS instans av Odoo, ERP-system med åpen kildekode.
Installerte applikasjoner
- Salgsadministrasjon
- Pristilbud, salgsordrer, fakturering
- Invoicing
- Send Invoices and Track Payments
- Leads, Opportunities, Activities
- Website Builder
- Build Your Enterprise Website
- Inventory Management
- Inventory, Logistics, Warehousing
- Regnskap og finans
- Financial and Analytic Accounting
- Purchase Management
- Purchase Orders, Receipts, Vendor Bills
- Project
- Projects, Tasks
- eCommerce
- Sell Your Products Online
- Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Orders, Bill of Materials, Routings
- Email Marketing
- Design, send and track emails
- Employee Directory
- Jobs, Departments, Employees Details
- Equipments
- Equipments, Assets, Internal Hardware, Allocation Tracking
- Sign
- Send documents to sign online, receive and archive filled copies (esign)
- Kvalitet
- Control the quality of your products
- Planlegging
- Manage your employees' schedule
- Discuss
- Discussions, Mailing Lists, News
- Contacts Directory
- Customers, Vendors, Partners,...
- Rental
- Manage rental contracts, deliveries and returns
- Kalender
- Personal & Shared Calendar
- Live Chat
- Live Chat with Visitors/Customers
- Repairs Management
- Repair broken or damaged products
- Tilskuertall
- Manage employee attendances
- Warehouse Management Barcode Scanning
- Add barcode scanning facilities to Warehouse Management.
- Skills Management
- Manage skills, knowledge and resume of your employees